Wednesday, November 5, 2014



Sue Jozui is trying to say that they should stop making people believe stuff. For example if some famous is getting a new car all the fans think they should get it to. In reality they only gave the famous guy a nice car because they wanted to promote it. I totally agree with Ms.Jozui we should stop this kind of stuff. Many people shouldn’t been wasting there money only because some famous person is getting pay to advertise it.

  Another thing would be that who ever is advertising something they have to like it. For example if I get something that a store or a company wants me to advertise something I could pretend to like it or not like it. I could only pretend to like it and pretend and make other people believe it. I totally agree with Ms. Jozui people just pretend to like something and they are making people to believe some difference stuff. They need to stop with.

   For last they should stop this because it kind of making people waste their money. For example have to ask for money to get the news thing. Like a brand new car that some one from a t.v or any place said that was awesome. They should just say the true and not make people believe.

What is an America?

                                        What is an America?
An American is someone with freedom. For example an American has many benefits. However an American can do many things like get out of the country and come back.  Another thing an American has a lot of Benefits that a government can help.

For example if you have a problem you can go with any government office and ask for help from them. Another thing is that if you want to vote for someone you must be a citizen or be a natural born American.

Many people from other country that are pregnant come to America to give birth. Like my mom she can here to give birth to me because she thought that it was the best for me. I don't have to struggle to get out of this country or to have benefits like other people.

In my opinion been American is good because I could do many stuff. Like ones a turn 18 I could vote whoever I want. I also could visit other country and still come back without having trouble. For you to be an American you must be born here or like in America for a few years.



My name is Maria I'm sixteen years old. I current attend Maroon High School which I'm a junior. I like to do a lot of stuff like going out and to travel. Most of my time I spend my days with my brother.

Another thing I like to do is cook and try to make new things. Ones I graduate from high school I want to be a nurse or open my own beauty salon. Also when I turn 18 I might go study in Mexico. The reason I say that is because I like been over there.

Another reason is because most of my family leaves over there. I would never stop school. I want to be come something in life. Ones I'm something in life I would get married and start a new life. But first I want to enjoy life and have fun without having someone bragging or getting mad because I'm enjoying life and don't pay attention to them .